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Could Your Mobile Phone Reveal Hidden Ingredients in Food and Drink?

2011 September 14
by admin

The development of advanced mobile phone cameras are used by doctors and patients as an aid to diagnosis and self-diagnosis, but now Zafar Iqbal and Robert Bjorklund, from Linköping University in Sweden, consider how the same devices could reveal the hidden ingredients of your food and drink. The research1 focused on identifying the authenticity and chemical makeup of food using samples of onion and lamb. If developed the technology could allow shoppers to scan their food for additives, e-numbers and other chemicals before purchasing.

Read more about the research here.

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Iqbal, Z., & Bjorklund, R. (2011). Assessment of a mobile phone for use as a spectroscopic analytical tool for foods and beverages International Journal of Food Science & Technology DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2621.2011.02766.x

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